This one was a lot harder to compile than the Most-Worn. I’ve had a ton of costumes I’ve only worn once or twice, for various reasons. I pared down the list by not including costumes that are too recent to have been worn more than once or twice, or old costumes I only made for fun, shot a few pics, and then sold. Even after all that, I still had a 24 way tie for 2nd place, so I just ended up expanding it to a top 7 and picking a few to talk about.
7. Ame-Comi Poison Ivy – worn once

This costume wasn’t supposed to be such a big to-do; I had dyed matching tights so I wouldn’t have to paint so much of myself. Unfortunately my test run to matched perfectly ended up not matching much at all at the con, so I had to do a lot more painting than planned, making myself late for a photoshoot. It was such a pain in the butt I never wanted to do it again.
6. Alyss – worn once

This one is a sad story… it’s sad because I really love this costume and would love to wear it again; I just haven’t had the opportunity. I only wore it for perhaps 2 hours at Dragoncon that year, and had intended on wearing it again later in the weekend but never did. It’s still in its wardrobe bag from Dragoncon 2010. Every time I do a white backdrop photoshoot, it’s at the top of my list of costumes I need photos of, but still have not gotten to it. I will one day, though; hopefully this year – I put a lot of work into that costume to have only worn it 2 hours and to have not done a photoshoot of it at all.
5. Marasiah Fel – worn once

Marasiah ran into multiple construction problems and multiple cut-corners to get it finished for Dragoncon 2007. Combined with not being completely happy with it and not being an easily recognizable character, I never wore it again. I do intend to spruce it up a bit and do a photoshoot with it for posterity’s sake fairly soon, but other than that have no plans to wear it to another convention.
4. Ripley – worn once

I only threw this costume together as a favour to friends; I did have a lot of fun making it, and fun wearing it with them, but it was not my favourite look in my closet! Besides the fact the pulse rifle was not mine; it was on loan from a friend, and the costume doesn’t look right without it. I did consider taking it to Dragoncon that year, but had too many other things I was more excited about wearing than poor Ripley.
3. Dazzler – worn once, never worn to con

Technically, I never even finished this costume; I never permanently attached the collar and the mask was very last minute, and I always meant to add a disco ball necklace. AFter getting it to this point and taking some progress photos, I decided not to finish it since wearing the roller skates at a con would either be against the rules, or I’d manage to hurt myself! So I never wore it anywhere, and the only surviving evidence are these handful of photos in my kitchen.
2. Kenner Leia – worn once, never worn to con

I made this costume for Dragoncon 2007 (I’ve occasionally listed it as being for Dragoncon 2006, which is wrong I realised after looking back through my blog archives), but never wore it. I was going to wear it Monday but was too tired to get into costume. So I just stored it away and planned to do a photoshoot with it later on. Eventually I kinda forgot about it, and the belt fell apart and pieces got lost. I finally pulled it out, cleaned up it up and did a quick photoshoot with it last year to sell it.
1. Belle’s Village Dress – 2006 version – never worn

I was wondering if I should even include this one since it was never even worn. Not even for a progress picture shot. This is the only photo I have of it at all. I made it intending to wear it for a skit with Chase at Dragoncon 2006; but we changed what we were doing before I finished it. I went ahead and finished it up, intending to wear it for a bit Sunday at Dragoncon. That day, Chase convinced me to wear April O’Neil with his Leonardo again instead, and I never wore this Belle costume, and completely remade it the very next year. It’s since been thrown away.